Tournament rules 24th Blitz Open Sant Martí 2024
The tournament is open to any player currently registered with FIDE. The venue will be the Centre Cívic Sant Martí, located at 215 Selva de Mar street, 08020 Barcelona.
The tournament will be valid for FIDE Blitz rating and Catalan (FCE) Rapid rating. Registration will be closed at 9:30am on Saturday 20th July, 30 minutes before the start of the tournament.
Entry fee will be free for all players already taking part in International Chess Open Sant Martí 2024 and 5€ for the rest of players.
How to register:
E-mail or
Registration form available on the website
Phone: +34676204833 (9am to 10pm until 19th July 2024) stating full name, club and tournament (Blitz or International Open).
The tournament will be played using Swiss System at nine (9) rounds. Games will start at 10am on Saturday 20th July. Each player will have 3 minutes + 2 seconds additional time per move, starting from move 1.
Players will be ranked in order of FIDE rating and then FCE rating.
Any player who is absent from one round without any justifiable reason will be withdrawn. The default time will be flag fall.
Pairings will be supported by the computer program “Swiss Manager”. After the last round there will be a drawing of lots to determine the order of application of the following tiebreak systems: Buchholz Cut 1, Median Buchholz, Cumulative System. If the tie persists, Buchholz will be applied, and finally number of wins. For all Buchholz systems, FIDE rules about unplayed games will be in place.
Play will be governed by FCE, FEDA and FIDE rules. The Arbiter’s decisions will be final and binding.Prizes: The following players will be awarded a trophy.
– Top 3 players in general standings
– Best player from Sant Martí Chess Club
– Best player from the following FIDE rating sections: < 1649, 1650-1799, 1800-1949, 1950-2099 and 2100-2200. Rating section prizes will be incompatible with general prizes.
– Best Senior player (born before 31/12/1964)
– Best Under 18 player (born after 01/01/2006).
The Prize-Giving ceremony will take place right after the blitz tournament, at around 1pm on 20th July 2024.
The right is reserved to refuse any entry. No smoking is permitted at the inside the tournament venue, including electronic cigarettes. According to FIDE regulations, a player may not have any electronic device switched on during the playing session. The participants authorize being recorded and/or photographed with the purpose of tournament information and/or promotion, according to the Organization criteria.
The tournament organizing team reserves the right to refuse admission and may make any changes deemed necessary for the smooth running of the competition without prior notice. Participation in the tournament implies full acceptance of these rules.
These bases could be modified before 01/07/2024.